Monday, September 12, 2011

Post the First: On Education

Here at Mom on a Rampage, it would make sense that my first post would be education-related. First, I'm married to an educator. Second, I have a son. Granted, my son is just over 2 months old, but it's never too early to start teaching your kid about the world. Third, if there ever was a hot-button topic to throw me on a rampage, it's everything and anything related to how our kids are learning these days.

But I'm not going to make my first post a political rant. Nope. I don't think I need to go there....yet. In fact, I noticed via Parenting and BlogHer that us mommies are being asked to make education better.  While my son may be small and not enrolled in school just yet, I have a duty to him to make sure he will get the education he deserves. And yes, it does start now. From the moment I knew that kid was growing in my belly, I assumed not only the roll of Mom, but of his advocate. That goes for his health, his well being, his needs and yes, absolutely yes, his education.

Right now, this kid is a sponge. His education experience is a 24/7 operation to maintain. Everything that is in his room, on his walls, every toy that makes a squeak, every time the cats walk past him, every hair on my head, every wrinkle on my face, every song that is played - it's all part of his world right now and he's just deciphering what the hell it all is and what it all means. It's a lot of pressure on me, too, especially as a work at home mom. I have to make sure that, in between assignments, this kid gets interaction. 2 months is a tough age. He's not really grabbing toys on his own yet. He can't read. He can't sit up on his own. He's this little chubby body that reacts, sleeps, eats and knows that hey, I can't talk, but I can communicate. Please help me figure this out!

He smiles. Oh boy, does he smile. His face lights up when I get all silly about lifting him in the air and slowly lowering him to my face to nab a kiss on his cheek. He's starting to do that baby squeal that babies do - it's not quite a laugh, but you can hear the excitement in his belly as it pushes up to his vocal chords. My gosh, that kid gets EXCITED over this little game! And then my lips are full of his slobber as he roots to my mouth thinking it's food. Whatever, I made that spit, and I get a kick out of this little exercise that clearly rocks his world.

This? Is part of his education. It's not math or physics or grammar or spelling. It's not art or philosophy. It's not geography. It's interaction. It's about relationships. It's reaction. It's me and my son, doing silly things together.

Silly things. Something I hope he'll want to do with me forever. Be silly.

To that end, here is for you, my son, my promise:

To My Nerdlet:

I want you to know that I care a lot about your education. In fact, your Dad and I have been talking about that very topic since you were just a floating blob in my belly who eventually grew into this awesome human being. You have every right to receive the best education possible, and now that you're here in this world, it is my job as your Mom to see that you get nothing but the best. Right now, your world is very simple yet it is complex. Your brain is working overtime trying to sort out the many faces, places and things that surround you. I know you recognize me. Your smile lights up the moment you see me. That? Makes my day. How smart you are - you know who I am! We registered you for Kindermusik this week and you love, love, love it. The singing and moving, the squeals from the other babies, the swaying and sighing that we do together; it's contributing to your overall awesomeness that is slowly getting more awesome with each day.

My little chicken, you are, no lie, the best thing I have ever done in my life. No story or poem I could ever write compares to the creation that is you. Your Dad and I gave you the necessary chromosomes so you can be all formed and cute and stuff, but now you're a person. You are you and right now you're growing into this world at a rate so fast, I'm trying to capture it all on paper and online and everywhere else because soon, you'll be a grown man. I have time, and yet I don't have enough. But between then and now, I promise you that as you grow from baby Kindermusik to preschool to kindergarten to elementary school, to middle school and then (GULP) high school, I will be there every darn step of the way. I will join the PTA. I will be a class mom. I will bake whatever is allowed at schools these days for your birthdays (ok, so you're a July baby, but we will celebrate anyway!), I will be on class trips if you allow me to. I promise that, should your class be short of supplies due to budget constraints, I'll donate whatever I can. At home, I promise to write stories with you, to read with you, to explore the horizon, to learn about stars. And yes, I'll even sit down and do math and physics despite those not being my favorite subjects, because they are so important and I'm sure you'll have enough to teach me as I you when it comes to that.

You're already a bright boy. Your Kindermusik teacher says you are very alert for two months old. Of course you are. You're practically a genius.

You're the most important thing to me, and I promise you that your education will be nothing short of amazing, awesome, and awe-inspiring. Yes, even when you hate whatever subject it is you choose to hate. We'll do it together. We'll learn it together. We'll accomplish many things together.

I love you, my little chicken. I love learning with you, too.


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